Small Steps that Heal Facial Relation facial relation get to know yourself healing mirror affirmations peace restoring beauty self image self perception self talk self worth worth Sep 26, 2019

Small Steps that Heal Facial Relation

Thank you for coming back!  I know that last week’s message was on the heavy hitting side, and I am proud of you for starting the journey to...

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Strong, Beautiful, and Worthy affirmations beautiful believe in bueaty body image body positive children facial relation mirror mirror affirmations next generation next generations our children peace self love self worth strong worthy Sep 05, 2019

Strong, Beautiful and Worthy

Have you ever been so passionate about something that it hurt? Like it physically hurt every time that you talked about it. Like there was so much passion bubbling up...

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"Sticks and Stones" is a Farce body image children facial relation listen to your children messages next generation peace self image self love self worth sticks and stones Aug 29, 2019

Sticks and Stones is a Farce 

Have you ever heard the old adage “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me?”  To be totally honest, I am not even sure...

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The Final TIME OUT affirmations body image break free breaking free facial relation next generation positive self talk positivity self care self love self talk self worth time out you are worthy Aug 22, 2019


Has the past week been a little awkward saying so many good things about yourself?  Do you feel like you’ve gotten a little stronger mentally?  My genuine hope is...

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Let's Take a Time Out be kind to your self body image care facial relation identity kindness love peace perceived value self image self love self talk self worth time out worth Aug 08, 2019


Let’s take a time out all ready.  Who needs a time out?  We all do.  We need a time out from body and facial negative words. We need a time out from that voice inside...

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Let's Open The Conversation of Body Image and Facial Relation body image facial relation love your body love your face pre teen body image self image self love self worth things no one talks about tough talks women women's needs Aug 01, 2019

Let's Open the Conversation of Body Image and Facial Relation

Yesterday morning I got to share in a live and very public format a small piece of what I have shared in offices, conference rooms,...

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