Why "Fake it till You Make it" is Malarkey bts coach come alive fake fake it till you make it gift giftings gifts intrinsic value self image true power worth May 28, 2020

If you’ve been in any type of business platform or in television, chances are that you have heard a term that literally cuts me to the core every time that I hear it.  “Fake it...

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Small Steps that Heal Facial Relation facial relation get to know yourself healing mirror affirmations peace restoring beauty self image self perception self talk self worth worth Sep 26, 2019

Small Steps that Heal Facial Relation

Thank you for coming back!  I know that last week’s message was on the heavy hitting side, and I am proud of you for starting the journey to...

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Am I Living With Poor Facial Relation? checklist facial relation from the inside peace perceived value poor facial relation self image self talk selfies worth Sep 19, 2019

Am I Living With Poor Facial Relation?

I want to applaud you for taking the first step and meeting me here. I know that so many of you saw yourselves in my own story that I shared last week. I also...

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Let's Take a Time Out be kind to your self body image care facial relation identity kindness love peace perceived value self image self love self talk self worth time out worth Aug 08, 2019


Let’s take a time out all ready.  Who needs a time out?  We all do.  We need a time out from body and facial negative words. We need a time out from that voice inside...

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